Customization tool
Customize your map on our customization tool. Go to the page by clicking the link below. After clicking the link, you need to sign in to your Strava account, and give permission for our tool to fetch your activity data from Strava to create a Maprides map. You can select to import only the public activities or both public and private activities.
In a customization tool you can select from multiple different background maps, text and line styles, sizes, activities and orientations. Move and zoom the map to create the Maprides map that is perfect for you. The default coordinates you see on the map are the coordinates of the start of your most recent activity.
When you are ready with your customization, click the "Confirm Map" button, and you will see a preview of your map. If you are not happy with the map, you can still modify it by clicking "Cancel". When you want to buy the print or canvas, click the "Add to Cart" button, which redirects you to your cart. Give the asked information and pay the map, and we will create the print or canvas and send it for you!